Tomorrow: Finals start!

Oh my gooood… I’m  a bit nervous. German exams. Okay, how bad can it be? Just write some analysis or disquisition and mock about guys who fret about the degeneration of (the German) language due to English (haha…)… or analyze some scene/dialogue of a drama… yessum.
6 hours of writing… hm. The time goes by sooo fast then. I guess…  as soon as I pick one of the two exams I’ll calm down and just work. And hopefully one of them I will be able to handle, otherwise I’ll cryyy.
But after that the first exam is over (finally) and then it’s just Latin, which will be okay, and Biology (will be okay, too… I think) and English. Depending on the text/article/whatsoever we have to work with, it will be okay or annoying. But I tend to think it will be okay… 😛
Who’d thought we’d really end up with finals this quick?

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